Hey there Campers,

Some quick facts about Martin Luther King, Jr.:
MJK was born January 15, 1929.
His name at birth was Michael King, Jr. after his father. In 1934, his father, a pastor at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church, traveled to
Germany and became inspired by the Protestant Reformation leader Martin Luther. He changed his name and
his son’s.
Activism came
from his grandfather and father.
Morehouse College at 15 years old.
Preached his
first sermon at Ebenezer Baptist church in 1947.
Becomes a Rev
MLK at 19 years old and Asst. Pastor with his dad.
Coretta Scott in 1953.
Earns PhD in
founding president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957.
Named Time
Magazine Man of the Year in 1964.
in 8 peace marches. Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Albany Movement, Birmingham
Campaign, March on Washington, March to Selma, Chicago, Vietnam War Opposition
and Poor People’s Campaign.
MLK was jailed
29 times.
The “I Have A
Dream” speech was not the first time MLK spoke at the Lincoln Memorial. May 17,
1957 he gave a speech for the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom.
1958 there was an attempt on his life by
Izola Ware Curry while at a Harlem book signing.
MLK is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
MLK is assassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis,
1974 MLK mother, Albert Williams King was
killed by a deranged gunman while she played the organ in church.
Ø Jan
20, 1986 was the first observance of the King Holiday. George Washington is the
only other American to have had his birthday observed as a national (federal) holiday.
OK ya’ll. When I read this I thought it was wrong. However, it is true.
Lincoln’s birthday was considered a state holiday not federal.
We continued on to the Center for Non-violence for Social Change. Coretta Scott King has
powerful words as to why it was necessary to build.

the center of the pavilion is the mausoleum of MLK & Coretta. The words
that flow over the steps are also powerful as it means never stop fighting for

Inside the center is memorabilia
from MLK life and how and why non-violence is important.

left the center and headed to the MLK, Jr. Visitors Center. If you only have
time to visit one area of the MLK facility, this is where you want to go. It
will take you from his birth, life death and what has happen with non-violence.
It is most impressive. There is also a statue out front that reminds one of the
movie Roots.
jump on the train and head back downtown. Why is there always got to be a crazy
person on the train. The guy sits across from us banging on a key board that is
not connected to anything and starts to talk crazy politics. We make sure that
we make no eye contact with him and keep looking at our MLK brochure. The train
conductor must have a camera in every car so he must had notified the train
police because we had only gone 2 stops and the police gets on. Wow. Talk about
handling the issue. The guy starts talking to the police and gets off the train
at the next stop. Tourism is their business and they are going to make sure
tourist keep coming back.
walk back through Centennial Park to our car. We decided to go to the Oakland
Cemetery. It was one of our stops on our trolley tour. It is a very popular
place to go. It would be like the Forest Lawn of Hollywood. Many famous people
of Atlanta are buried there. Margaret Mitchell, Mayor Maynard Jackson, etc.. Of
course they had the section that was dedicated to the confederate soldiers. It
was interesting that what was designated as the slave burial area got moved. In
1852 the Atlanta City Council ruled that people of color were to be buried
separately from whites, in public grounds. This section was known as “Slave
Square.” At the beginning of the Civil War it held the remains of more than 800
people. In 1866 the city designated three acres of another section in the
cemetery for African Americans burials only. In 1877 those remains of those buried
in Slave Square were exhumed and reburied in another section of the cemetery.
It was the colored pauper grounds. (Info from Oakland Cemetery Fdn). So what
they really should say is they dug up the graves and dumped the remains in a
field. Since there were “no names” on the graves they did not have a way to
contact the families to see what they wanted to do with the remains. Wow. When
the cemetery Caretaker was telling me this I just kind of looked and him and
realized I was truly in the South. I had to search for this area twice before
realizing it was behind the confederate lion statue. Could they slap us any
further?? The city finally banned the segregated burial sites in the early

Can you believe that it started to rain like a big dog while we were looking for Maynard Jackson grave? We got to it but it was raining so hard we could not even roll the window down to take a picture. The rows were very narrow. We decided we needed to leave the cemetery while we still could get out.
can the day be sunny when we came to the cemetery and 30 minutes later have a
horrific down pour? It was raining so hard the streets literally started to
flood. We thought about getting on the freeway to go back to the Hilton 4. That
option was out because the freeway had come to a standstill. We past the
capital and could barely see it. So we decided to head back to the area where
we had originally parked the car since it was higher ground. We pulled out a
pack of Oreos and waited the rain out. I know you are asking why didn’t we just
stop. Well like all cities at commute time there is no stopping or parking on
the streets.

it finally let up I found the Hard Rock to get my special pin. It’s called the
3D Turntable pin. Got #3.
We finally get out of the city. Go have dinner and call it a night. What a day.
Well Campers, until next time.
& Bren
Yeahhhhh, that rain in the South is something else; one minute, it's fine, the next it's Biblical and animals are pairing off. I'll never forget we were all caravaning from New Orleans and had to pull off the freeway, it was coming down so hard. And, of course, we managed to lose my sister, who, instead of pulling over under the overpass like we'd planned, took some weird off-ramp and then didn't know where she was or how to get back on the freeway. At least you were by yourselves!