Hey there Campers,
We traveled to the Outer
Banks (OBX) of North Carolina. When we used to visit Lorenzo’s brother Monroe in
Chesapeake, Virginia, we use to always see signs that said visit Nags Head everywhere.
We were told it was a resort town. We thought, nah, this was not for us. On our
trip this time we said, remember those signs we used to see about Nags Head? Let's go. So we put it on the trip schedule. Cairy and Charlene had spent their
anniversary there and gave us great tips on where to go and what to see.
We looked online and found
out there are 4 national parks on the OBX. Talk about a deal. The average RV
sites are $70 a night. The national parks are $20 a night and if you are old
geezers like us it is only $10 a night with our National Parks Senior card.
Hey, Hey, Hey. It pays to get old. Woot! Woot!
Cape Hatteras is a climbing lighthouse. Of course I wanted to climb it. Lo, well less just say he did not bother. There are 269 spiral steps. I am used to getting my 12,000 steps in but boy this was a challenge. I met a Jersey guy. We both huffed and puffed up those stairs. The good thing is there are stopping spots and you can look out the slit windows. It gives one just enough breathers to move to the next level. We final made it to the top. The view is amazing. I was talking to ranger Katie. Guess what. She is a Cally girl from Pleasanton. She is here because her husband is a ranger also and they were transferred here. Yeah for the Cally girls.

We jump
in the car and headed to town. Well I would not call it a town. I did stop at
the Regina Hotel to get those brochures you know you always see in the lobby.
The owner and her husband were really nice. She gave me lots of brochures and
told us to go to Oracoke on Friday. Saturdays are supposed to be a zoo. There
is a free ferry. We thank her and go back to the Hilton for a restful night.

We got our bike out since this is the easiest to get around on. The streets are narrow and there is no walkway to speak of. We started our sightseeing at the Preservation Museum. This house is just how the fishermen/navy man would have left it in the late 1800’s. They have a real log book from the lighthouse.

waiting for our marine talk at the Visitors Center, we went to visit the graves
of the English ships that were lost in WWII. Did you know that German U boat
were bombing ships right outside the OBX area? The grave sites tell the story.

Did you
know that sea turtles have out lived dinosaurs? Did you know sea turtles shells
are like fingernails that is made from cartilage? Sea turtles have a backbone and ribs. There
is a coating on the shell that is called scope. They have strong muscles and a aerodynamic
shell which is why they can swim all day. They use their feet like flippers.
They also have a good sense of smell and see really well underwater. They can weigh
up to a ton. Now when they are out of the
water it is a totally different story. They can barely walk with those flippers.
They have blurry eye sight. They lay their eggs at night time so their predators
do not see them and they won’t over heat. They dig a 2 foot hole that is shaped
like a light bulb. They can lay 125 eggs the size of a ping pong ball. Mom
covers the hole and head back to the sea. Now the bad thing is the mom waddles
back to the sea with those flippers which leaves prints. A good predator will just
follow the prints to the babies and suck them out. Some volunteer groups have
been watching for the mom to leave and they get a leaf and cover up moms tracks.
Mom never comes back so she does not get to know her kids. Knowing some kids
this may not be a bad thing. Just kidding!!! 60 days later the eggs hatch. Now
these babies are pretty smart they use each other as a ladder to get out of the
hole. Boy some people could really use this lesson. It is call help me I help
you. Did you know if they try to get out of the hole and it is hot they will
just wait until night to go to the sea. Smart kids. They will look for the
moonlight to leave. That is why some seashore will have turtle crossings. Did
you know that only 1 in 1,000 turtles will survive? The female only lay eggs
every 3 years. Unlike fish they don’t have to return home to spawn. Turtles
have no teeth. Ok you can see I was very interested in this turtle talk. Sounds
like a children’s church story coming for Uncle Barry.

continued riding our bikes through the village. We went to the Oracoke
Lighthouse and the Blackbeard Hole Museum. Did you know that Blackbeard, whose
real name was Edward Teach, was reported to come from a wealthy family? How
many pirates could read or write or strategize like Blackbeard? Ok we are not
talking the Johnny Depp version. But, even Blackbeard got his due. He was
finally out witted by Lt Maynard. Blackbeard was shot 20 times before he died. They
swung his head from their ship.

It was
getting late so we decided to return to the ferry to head home. We stopped to
see the wild horses that live on the island. The horses were brought by the
Spanish in the 1500’s. The island use to be overrun with horses so they have
limited them to only 67. Better hope you are not #68 or you will be out of
We just miss the ferry and had to wait 45 minutes for the next one. That was ok
except that made us first in line. OK. I was not a happy camper. Now ya’ll know
I love cruising, boating, jet skiing, parasailing and snorkeling (as long as
Maggie is there with me). But for our car to be on the ferry on the very front.
Needless to say I was freaking out. All I could think about was the cars behind
us was going to push our car off the ferry. The front of the ferry only has a
PLASTIC FENCE. The boat guys kept saying pull forward. I kept screaming we have
gone far enough. Lo was looking at me and saying I got to move forward as the
guys want. I was covering my eyes, looking anywhere but forward. He asks if I
want to get out of the car and go to the upper area. Are you kidding me???? Get
out of the car? I was already crazy and he wants me to get out of the car. People were walking around like nothing was
going on. Then it started to rain and the ocean got rough. Believe me when I
tell you I was having a panic attack. I guess
I have watched too many action flicks about ferries. That was the worst 45 mins
of my life!!!! Ferries are ok if you are in the middle. I could not wait for
the shore to appear. I almost wanted to get out and kiss the ground. Whew, that
was over.

Well Campers, until next time.
& Bren
The OBX are beautiful - wow. Like the Keys but different. I am not even laughing at you and that ferry. You know I would have had to get out of that car. I am not going down in that thing - at least if I fall overboard in just my skin I can swim.