Hey there Campers;
Well campers, the day is starting off cool
but you know that heat is a comin'. Every day we have been in Tulsa we get on
the freeway. We promised ourselves that we would stop by the Cherokee Nation welcome
center. Since this is our last day here
we decided it better be today. As soon as we got off the exit we see the sign
for the Tulsa Stockyard. So since it came up first we went there. Boy what an
experience! Lo drives around the pens like he knows where he is going. I remind
him this is probably private property. He says we are not doing anything wrong.
For real!! Are we not on public land. After he sees all he wants we drive back
to the front. I decide to go to the office and ask if this was part of the Chisholm
trail stockyards. Upon entering the office 3 sweet girls ages 9-12 let me know
that their grandmother could answer my needs. I never got a chance to say a
word. Edna Young is the office manager. I asked my question. She said no this
was not a part of the trail. She did ask me if we wanted to see how a stockyard
ran. I jumped at the chance. I went to go get Lo. When I got back she had
arranged for Stevie G, one of the ranch hands, to give us a personal tour. Talk
about a lesson. We started with the Auction room. Everything is ran by hydraulic
doors so no person is physically in the pen with the animals. (Unlike the old
days. Animals were being led by a person with a rope around the animals neck.)
Stevie G took us down the catwalk
to step us through the whole process. The trucks/farmers/ranchers bring in
their animals to be auctioned off. They are sorted according to their type
& age. The vet test every animals that are 2 or more years old. Did you now
cows are aged by their teeth? At 2 years old they will have 2 bottom teeth. At
4 years 4 teeth 8 years 8 teeth. Some time it is hard to determine how old the
cow is if they have worn down their teeth. If the vet cannot determine the age
the seller will get less money. Most calves are sold to ranchers who to need to
increase their herd. Animals are sorted better when they use the smaller pens.
When the animals are in the pens no one is allowed in. This assured the buyer
that no has changed anything.
As the
animal comes up for auction the paperwork about this animal is put on a
conveyor belt and sent to the person inside the auction hall and is entered
into the computer. Each animal is weight just before they are sent into the
auction hall. Once sold they will go do another pen and sprinkler down to keep
them cool. Look at the center plaque. It states that Blaine Lotz was the
Livestock Auctioneer of 2014. What is amazing is he is only 18 years old.. The
joke around the yard was he was too young to celebrate with a beer. I asked Stevie G if the hall is hot and smells
like animals during the auction. He stated no because they have a really good
venting systems and they bleach down the hall after every sell. He said it
"smells like money"
When we got back to the office Edna had her granddaughter give Lo a hat. You know he was happier than a Jay Bird in the spring.
We journey onto the Cherokee Nation Welcome Center. We meet Andrea. She was a wealth of knowledge. We learned a Cherokee word. Osiyo. It means hello. Like being black, if you have a drop of Cherokee blood in you then you are Cherokee. She also gave us a book called "A Long Road to Liberty". It is about black in OK and with Indian Tribes. Indians also have their own license plates.
We journey on to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium. We keep seeing this crazy penguins around town and finally ask what does it mean? When the Zoo finally added penguins to the program thy need sponsors. So anyone who sponsored got a penguin statue.

Tulsa is home to the Aeromet plane. It was designed
to supply the need for an optional manned or unmanned vehicle that could
deliver lethal and non-lethal applications. It was computer operated from the
Do you know what this is on a military plane? It is the only thing that keeps the plane from flying off the aircraft carriers deck.
It was good to see that they had a section for women pilots. Did you know WW II had women pilots. It is hardly discussed. Women pilots were call to fly airplanes from the factories to the military where they would be put on ships or flown to the combat area by men. The Women were known as WASPs - Women Airforce Service Pilot.

Wiley Post and Will Rogers were very close friends. They both wanted to go to Alaska so they used Wiley's new airplane. They got lost in the clouds and landed near a Eskimo trading camp. They were told that their destination of Point Barrow was only a few miles away. So they got back in the plane and took off. Just as the plane started to climb the engine sputtered and quit. The aircraft was heavy and nosed into the water killing them both. They were Ok's most famous citizens. Google both of these men. They both have a story to tell.

Tulsa is the primary maintenance hub of American

We ventured on to Oral Roberts Univ. While I am not a fan of Pastor Roberts politics his university is very beautiful and serene.

The 15 story Boston Avenue United Methodist
church is Art Deco architecture. It was completed in 1929.

The Blue Dome is the center for Tulsa nightlife
Anderson women. I took these pics just
for you. See you can travel in the motorhome and still keep those golf clubs

It has been a long day and we are going to the Hilton.
Question of the Day:
What type of housing did the Cherokee Indian live in? It is not easy
as you think.
Bonus Question:
What year did the first female flight attendant fly on American
Airlines? And what skill did they have to have?
Well, until next time Campers
Lo & Bren
According to the Cherokee Museum they lived in woven saplings with plastered mud and roofed with polar bark. Never in tipis. In summer they lived in open air dwellings roofed with bark
ReplyDeleteWell in 1930 UA hired the first female who was 25 and a registered nurse, Ellen Church. I'll keep look for AA but UA hired the first female and nurses was qualifications.
Ruth Carol Taylor was the first African American female flight attendant who was hired by Mohawk Airlines in 1958. She was a nurse, journalist, and activist for minority and woman's rights. When she got married she had to quit being a flight attendant, like all other attendants to remain in that job you must be single.
ReplyDeletePooh, I'm so glad daddy, got another hat. His last one was well loved.
ReplyDeleteOh, my GOODNESS, Lorenzo cracks me up. "Ah, it's a stockyard, I'm sure they won't mind!" Um... well, glad that worked out for you, and with a hat, to boot!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, those flight attendant costumes from back in the day are TINY - like aircraft folk had to be.
That Methodist church is gorgeous. Usually the Methodists are really plain with their houses of worship, but I like that Deco style!