Hey there Campers;
Well we left the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and headed for Oshkosh, WI for the Faith on Fire Camporee. We have awaited this event for 5 years. This is another chance to hang out with 44,000+ Pathfinders and staff from all over the world.
The casinos have great parking and hookups.

We decided we needed to get gas for the Hilton for our journey. I saw a telephone booth. This is something we have not seen in for ever. I ran over to it to take a picture to find the phone was not even there. I was kind of disappointed. Is there anywhere in the USA there is a real working phone booth? If you sight one take a pic.
If you remember you geography class Michigan has many lakes.

We arrive at the FF Camporee which is being held at the EAA (Experimental Aviation Assoc.) campground.

There is a flag from every state, nation and country represented at the camporee.

It doesn't take us long to do this as this our 4th time at this campground.
On Thursday, I got a chance to see what event tents were set up

OK. The story of missing trailers. When we arrived on Wed, the trailers for Pleasant Hill use was located in the middle of the campground in NCC territory. The rental guys spoke with us to let us know he would be back on Friday to put the trailers where they needed to go. That was great. On Friday I went Costco. (OK you know I go to Costco every chance I get.) When I came back I ask Lo where are the 2 trailers. He said they were just moved for the maintenance crew to mow the lawn. When we ask the guy mowing the lawn where the trailers went he had no clue. I start to panic. In my mind I was trying to figure out how I am going to tell John & Issac their trailers were gone. What the heck the trailers did not vanish in thin air. We get in the car to see if we can find them. We had to check with 5 different people before we found out that they were moved to the storage area until the rental agency could pick up. (They thought they were left over from the EAA event from last week). I explained that they were for this week and we needed to have them back. Boy was I relieved to see them returned.
On Friday and Sabbath I took my walk around the campground to see what other states are here and to see what them they are using for their state. So far Oklahoma is the only one that is really set up. They are sponsoring 150 pathfinders from Korea.

Oklahoma requires that everyone in their conference sleep in a tent. Hm..... that would not fly in Cally. You know how we loooooooooove our RV's.
However, this conference plans to feed 500 people at every meal. They brought their kitchens, food service from their summer camp staff to get this done. God bless each one. Having catered with Mary Jane and Rita, I know how hard this job is.

These areas a vacate now but the people are coming!!!!
Our conference truck is suppose to arrive tomorrow. Then my real job will start. We will have a lot to do this week.
John Sorrell, the director of my home club Pleasant Hill, got in with Hayden, Brian and Eduardo. It was good to see that they arrived safely. They left on Wednesday morning come here. They are the set up crew. John was really surprised and happy about our area to camp. The guys arranged the trailers and left to spend the night in the hotel. The young men were hoping for a pool.
Well campers, I know we are going to have a blessed great week at camporee. Please pray that the weather is good this week and everyone has a good, safe time.
What is the nickname for Michigan?
Lo & Bren
The Great Lakes state and the wolverine state.
ReplyDelete(I thought SURE I'd be first this time since Miss Rita is SUPPOSED TO BE BUSY WITH PATHFINDERS. Stop trying to get all the answers, Rita.)
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing at people trying so hard to be efficient that they're moving trailers all over the place. Good grief. Here's hoping some of that tidy-quick behavior lasts when there are forty-four thousand folks wandering around... good grief. Have a safe and blessed week, y'all.