Hey there Campers;
We awoke up to a bright sunny. We picked Rita and Glen up from Appleton Airport to start the camporee week off great. As you know all pathfinder area coordinators have a job to do. Some teach classes, some trade pins etc. The job Rita and I had was being over the talent stage and helping teachers of the honors get their paperwork in for reimbursement.
This is the grove that the clubs camped out in.
The PH young men, John, Janelle and Julie came back today to work on the campsite.
The club made sure that all the PF had their uniforms in garment bags. Thank you Lilian Im for you inspiration in this.
Janelle shows off the new kitchen that John and his crew put in the new trailer. This was a lot of work but it was well worth it.
The camp is finally set up. As usual the popcorn machine is always in the camp. This is PH idea of manna.
Brian M got up our Brandy flag.
We were surrounded by tents in the PH and Antioch camps.
The clubs came on Monday and had to get the equipment that was transported by the NCC conference truck.
Being a pathfinder director means more than just leading the club. When things need to be done you just to do.
I got a chance to tour the hangers where the honors would be taught. ADRA did a honor on what it was like to be a missionary in Africa.
One honor really caught my eye. It was on creation. It had a replica of what Adam could be like. Based on EGW writing, it showed Adam as being 13 feet tall and very muscular. That is quite a height. His foot print was huge. (This was a real foot print found in Texas.)
It was good to meet some of the people Rita and I have spoke with on honors over the last 9 months. This is Thomas Day (red shirt) & Mike Vest. They are the railroad guys. This all came out of Mikes railroad room at this home. He decided he would have each class do a part of the camporee and put on the railroad line. He is so involved that he made up all signs. On Saturday, he said the whole camporee would be in the railroad set.
Can we go anywhere that the ATM is not there?
We finally got a chance to meet the Wimberley and his son who designs the NCC pins.
The Daniel stage was being setup.
I heard that PH (my home PF Club) were on their way in. John wanted to ride the last mile with them. So we drove John in our golf cart, out to meet them. The line was backed up to the freeway.
The club finally arrives at the campsite and roll out of the bus. It was good to see our 2 pastors, Jim Lorenz and Marlene R on the trip.
They collected their luggage and headed to their tents or trailers.
Joyce R., Kachina H. and The Grand pathfinders got their tents up and was able to take a look at the schedule in the camporee paper.
Loren Yutuc came over to see us. It was good to see him. He is the pastor of the Las Vegas Philippino church. We have been knowing Loren and his family since he was 1 year old in our Cradle Roll class.
It was a great week. We had sun and rain. The each nightly meeting was about the life of Daniel and how he made a difference in others lives. It was done very well by a cast of young college people. There was a full scale statue of the golden image that was part of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Let the Lions roar.
Lo worked all week with the Gold Panning honor.
The talent stage produced many different talents that were used as talent for the nightly programs. We had our own Camporee Idol. The first try out we only had 25 people try out. The next 2 days were so intense we had to turn people away. The Kellogg's company also sent a race car driver to talk to the kids. There was also a meet and greet session with the actors from the Daniel play.

Everyone just was ready for a relaxing evening. There also was a small birthday party for 3 people in the club.

Northern Cal finally got up it's sign. That is all I am going to say on this subject.

On Sabbath morning, all the clubs had inspection. I am sorry to say that this was Marge Schwartz last NCC Area 6 inspection. She has retired and moved to Berrien Springs and already with new club. Her group also sponsored a group from Brazil.

We all went to church with 47,000 + people.

We had 5 PH members get their Master Guide. John & Hayden Sorrell, Debbie & Isaac Chin and Lilian Im. We did a unique investing. John Taylor who worked with John S, pinned him 1st and then John turned around and pinned Hayden who I worked with. I did this because I still remember when my mom pinned me and I later pinned my daughter Sharelle. I also worked with the Chins. I had them both pinned each other. This was special times. We so appreciate Pastor Jim who was there to congrats our new inductees. Pastor is also a MG.

These people have been in pathfinders since 1947 and 1946.
Pastor Sam gave the nightly sermonette after the each nightly play. On Sabbath he had all the people who got baptized to come forward. They released blue balloons to commemorate the baptism.

On the way back to our campsite I finally got to see Catrina Lester. We have been trying to see each other for a couple of days.

PH newest MG's.

OK who brings a real B-B-Q grill to a camporee??? Of course PH.

Janelle (aka Blondie) provided great meals for everyone.
It rained Saturday night on the last meeting but the fireworks still went off as planned.
Glen & Lo started to load the conference truck.
On Sunday morning the camp started to begin the tear down. Each PF lined up to put their items in the PH trailer.

John T averted a major disaster in the trailer. There was a mattress blow up machine in a bag that was ran by batteries. As JT normally do, he always check for items as he packs the trailer. He noticed something warm in one of the bags. It was the Lorenz's. He pull it out and had them look at it. The machine was on and the batteries hot. So hot it was melting the batteries. This would have caused a fire. Thank you JT for always on the look out.

Keith Abbas checked out the tires as he, his son Kyle and brother Ross would drive the trailer back to Cally.
John S gave the last instruction to all before boarding the bus. Pastor Jim offered the prayer. Everyone put their hands in to John S for the PH rally cry.

Lo was over the loading for the conference truck since Glen and Rita had to leave at 4:00 AM this morning.

Off to meet the bus for the final journey home.

The trailer is packed and ready to go.
As each club left, I made sure we took a pic and had prayer for their travel safety.

We finally got to leave when the truck was loaded and all clubs were all gone. It was really time to go when we saw the sign coming down.
God blessed us with a fun week.
Question of the Day
What was the Hebrew name of
Daniels 3 friends?
Well, until the next time Campers......Lo & Bren
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
ReplyDeleteWOW, what a busy, crazy-busy looking week! Too danged many people, and I would have needed a parasol for all of that sun, but it looked like it went off without too much drama (we won't discuss the sign going up so late). We were all surprised that Marlene went!! Camping did not seem like her thing. But, looked like you all had a blessed time.