Hey there Campers;

What a glorious sunny day. It is our last day in OK. Rex & Barbie took off earlier to head down to South OK to have a birthday party with their grandson Grayson. The Novaks are heading to Carlsbad and we are heading home. Yahooooo.
We traveled to through Texas and New Mexico and Arizona.

I decided to check our different hills and mountains.

Local Scenery

You know you are bored when you count the cars of the train. There were 104 cars being pulled by the train.

In New Mexico the topography changed from red to brown.

I loved seeing how they blasted the hills to make the freeway.
It seemed like the merchants would put a trading store anywhere.

In AZ we saw more trading posts of real Native American Indian artifacts.
I thought about the movie Cars and Lighting McQueen and the little town of Radiator Springs.

Unusual housing in the desert.
Cloud formations

There are many old homes and ramshackle falling down ones that Lo thought they could be revived.

There is always weird items alone the freeway.

This is a rock formation. It looked like a fallen down ruins.

These arrows have been on the road since I went out of state for the first time in the early 70's.
On Monday we stayed the night at our regular hotel just outside of Kingman.
We got up and hit the road again. The clouds let us know that we were going to have some whether change. Fortunately we only got a little rain. And the sun started to peek out.

The hills are alive as we get closer to Cally.

Yahoo. Finally reach the Cally boarder. Inspection without being considered a terrorist.

Happy to see the Tehachapi's again. This means we are almost home.

You know you are home sick when you are happy to see commute traffic on the Livermore grade.
How can your street look soooooo good!!!

We made in home. This has been quite a journey.

We hired Victoria Ranney to be our weed puller while we were gone. She and her family were here as we pulled up. This is Lorenzo's last time to unhook the car. I know he is happy.
This is the finally blog for this adventure. Since we saw Route 66 many times on this trip, we are considering taking a trip next year that seeks out this road.
Well, until the next time Campers......
See you next year!!
Lo & Bren